Alix Sargeant

Where in Liverpool do you make your work? 
North Liverpool.
How did you get in to making paintings?
I have always been creative and wanted to be an artist. After graduating from Liverpool Hope University in 2019, painting is something I have pursued more and more as a creative outlet.

Is there anything you’d like to say about yourself, or your work?  
My paintings are a way of expressing myself and documenting my thoughts, feelings and experiences. Taking inspiration from the Abstract Expressionist movement and artists such as Helen Frankenthaler and Katherina Grosse, I produce abstract paintings that reference my interest in the human experience and the intangible found in day to day life. I enjoy employing swaths of bright colours and expressive mark making and shapes, sometimes expanding work to include 3D reconstructions of past paintings in the form of installations and sculptures.
Where can people find more of your work? (eg.are you on social media?)
Instagram: @alixsargeantfineartis

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