
Community Events and Activities at Kitty’s Launderette.

One of our core principles is to create an accessible, welcoming social space for everyone in our diverse local community. Whether you are a regular washing/drying customer or not been to us before, please join us! 

Kitty’s Launderette encourages you to socialise in the space as long as you like, stay a while on the comfy benches, have a cup of tea and a natter or use the Wi-Fi and listen to the relaxing hum of the machines. 

We have a regular program of activities that happen every week when the launderette is open such as Knitting Club, Tea and Toast and writers group. As well as special programs of events and activities organised by our team and trusted local partners. 

Our creative program seeks to have the lowest barriers to entry and the highest aspirations for our community. We organise and host creative and social activities which are appealing and relevant to our local community, while also stretching perceptions, introducing new ways of thinking, areas of interest and skills. 

Previously we have hosted writing workshops, live music, kids storytimes, Street theater, art workshops, board game nights, recycled textile crafts, social history talks and Film Nights.


Paraphysis Cinema: Fish Tank (2009)

As part of Paraphysis Cinemas, British Gem series

Paraphysis Cinema is a Queer, pop-up community cinema based in Liverpool.

“FISH TANK (2009)

A film that claimed the Jury Prize at Cannes, Fish Tank is about a young girl who feels isolated from her peers, and frustrated at the world around her. Much like the ‘Angry Young Men’ trope of earlier kitchen sink dramas, Mia is unable to control her temper. To escape from council estate life, she finds solace in learning hip hop routines and dancing to her Walkman. There’s also mums new boyfriend, who seems to take a special interest in her passions...

By the fantastic Andrea Arnold, who directed one of our favourite releases from last year: Bird.

There’ll be an introduction of the film and its place in the canon of British Social Realism!

Next Wednesday the 12th, at Kitty’s Laundrette.
doors at 7pm.

Tickets by donations + more info from the link in our bio.”

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Weekly Litter Picking Group, Homebaked CLT

Fancy helping out in the community this weekend ? ☀️

Join @homebakedclt at Kitty’s Launderette for their relaunched weekley litter picking group tomorrow from 11.30am-12.30pm ! 🚮

The group is led by a friendly bunch of local volunteers and we’ve got plenty of tea/coffee
and biscuits to enjoy afterwards ☕🍪

Equipment is provided ⚒️
Please wear weather and activity appropriate clothing and footwear 👟

For more information please drop us or @homebakedclt a DM or alternatively email

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Letter Writing at Kitty's with @freethefilton18

Letter Writing at Kitty's with @freethefilton18

On Tuesday 18th March you are invited to join a letter writing session ran by members of the Free the Filton18 campaign at Kitty’s. Your letters will be sent to the people currently incarcerated in UK prisons, held on remand without charge. Some of whom have now been held for over 6 months.

The Filton18 are a group of political prisoners from all walks of life who have been torn away from their loved ones and families under the guise of counter terrorism powers, in connection with damaging and preventing weapons made here in the UK being used against the people of Palestine

To find out more about the Filton18 and other ways you can support the campaign please follow them @freethefilton18

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Anfield People's Cinema: The Quiet Girl

Anfield People's Cinema: The Quiet Girl

Taken from @Anfieldpeoplescinema

“Join us on 21st March for a special St Patrick's Day screening of The Quiet Girl (An Cailín Ciúin) at Kitty's Launderette

The first Irish-language film to be nominated for an Oscar, directed by Colm Bairéad, tells a gentle story of Cáit (Catherine Clinch), a withdrawn and overlooked girl sent to live with distant relatives in rural Ireland during the summer of 1981.

Watch the trailer below:

We're also delighted to be welcoming Patrick Clancy, the Secretary of Liverpool's branch of Conradh Na Gaeilg. The main aim of Conradh na Gaeilge is to promote and protect the Irish language and culture. Conradh na Gaeilge runs activities to encourage the use of the Irish language in everyday life and in the heart of the community

If you book a ticket and then realise you can't make it please let us know so we can release your ticket to the general sale.

Full details

The Quiet Girl (An Cailín Ciúin)

6.30 pm - 9pm

Kitty's Launderette

Ticket link:

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Knitting at Kitty's

Knitting at Kitty's

Come join our knitting group every Monday! Come and learn something new, work on project you’ve been wanting to try or just hang out with the regulars. Free teas, coffees & biscuits.

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Anfield People's Cinema presents - Shirley Valentine

Anfield People's Cinema presents - Shirley Valentine

Come on down to the Anfield People's Screening! We're back after a little break and we're thrilled to present scouse classic Shirley Valentine!

Wondering what has happened to herself, now feeling stagnant and in a rut, Shirley Valentine finds herself regularly talking to the wall while preparing her husband’s chips and egg. When her best friend wins a trip-for-two to Greece Shirley begins to see the world, and herself, in a different light.

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Winter Community Get Togther

Winter Community Get Togther

This is your invite to join us a Kitty’s for a new years catch up and an opportunity to look forward to the year ahead, together.
Food and Drink will be provided!
Please let us know if you are planning to attend.

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Knitting at Kitty's

Knitting at Kitty's

Come join our knitting group every Monday! Come and learn something new, work on project you’ve been wanting to try or just hang out with the regulars. Free teas, coffees & biscuits.

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